
--Are you Game?   By Wendy




The minute you set foot in San Francisco, you’ll know it’s a city with strong personalities. First of all, the country's first Chinese immigrants came to San Francisco in 1848. You can easily spot Chinese influences in the city. Also, it is well-known for having an enormous gay community. Another thing people find it very interesting is that San Francisco is a small reflection of the world out there. One minute you’re walking down the street with the world’s top brand retail shops next to you, next minute you’ll find a shelter for the homeless with a long line awaiting for accommodations. Drive across the Bay Bridge to an old navy-based island called Treasure Island, and you’ll get the most amazing view of the city. It is a city full of extreme contrasts, yet San Franciscans all have something in common- finding the art of living.


Set foot in: 到一個地方去

Example: Most people who live in Taipei have never set foot in the Taipei 101 Observation Deck to see the view of the city.


Spot: 看到

Example: I spot my favorite PDA at once when I walked into the store.


San Franciscan Craziness - Are you game?

霧濛濛、冷颼颼足以形容舊金山一年11個月的天氣吧! 位於北加州的這個城市,沒有熱情的陽光照耀著,只有極盡過生活的一群狂熱份子,用他們對藝術、對音樂、對舞蹈、對美食對建築、對服裝、對金融、對科技的熱誠,感動每個走入舊金山的過客。There are a lot of craziness happening in the city, are you game?


第一次看到are you game? 可不要嚇到想說人家幹嘛問你是不是個遊戲?這句話的意思是你有興趣嗎?


A: I am going to dinner with my friends, do you want to come?

B: Sure, I’m game.    


舊金山一年中有許多遊行活動,例如Love FestBay to BreakersSan Francisco Pride在活動中,瘋狂崇尚自由的San Franciscans打扮的有如萬聖節一般在遊行活動中展現自我、追求自由,向世界宣示舊金山精神-Freedom


My dear friends...

I'm really excited about it and dying to share all my traveling experiences with all of you!!


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