

“ Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go.”


Truman Capote (卡波迪)


一首動人樂章,經得起時空的考驗,如同韋瓦弟(Antonio Vivaldi)的《四季》協奏曲,旋律的喜怒哀樂流傳數個世紀;一齣經典名劇,橫跨世紀依然激發人們不斷思辯論爭,莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)的《威尼斯商人》,歷經不同歷史背景,世人依舊爭議著夏洛克作為一個反派猶太人,他到底是天性邪惡,抑或是被一再壓迫歧視而瘋狂的復仇?一個戲劇化城市,造就了世界經典,威尼斯的存在本身就是世界奇蹟。


“The surface of Venice is constantly metamorphosing and painting Venice is almost like being a restorer, peeling off the layers to find the picture after picture underneath.” Arbit Blatas


這個音樂之都代表著浪漫,在威尼斯一切感性替代了理性,而感性來自於威尼斯人背後的墮落情懷,感性合理化一年中十多天的面具嘉年華會,我彷彿走入一場浮誇的戲,錯覺告訴我這才是真正的人生。坐在gondola上才驚覺自己只是個威尼斯過客,可以欣賞一旁文藝復興時期建築的美,可以幻想和情人在嘆息橋下擁吻,可以坐在聖馬可廣場(Piazza San Marco)露天咖啡座看著鴿子,但終究就是個過客。諾貝爾文學獎得主Thomas Mann曾經這樣形容過威尼斯:


“This was Venice, the flattering and suspect beauty - this city, half fairy tale and half tourist trap, in whose insalubrious air the arts once rankly and voluptuously blossomed, where composers have been inspired to lulling tones of somniferous eroticism.”



I still remember the feeling I had the moment I step out of the water cab and onto the land of Venice . I instantly felt mesmerized by the atmosphere. If people go to Las Vegas to tie the knot because of its craziness, then people do the same in Venice not because of craziness, but because you instantly feel in love once you’re there. It is like magic that passes through air.


Tourists visit for the reason to see for themselves that it is a place that really exists. Not just a made up city in books, movies, or poems. I felt overwhelmed by everything that I wanted to see and had to see. But as I walked, I realized everyone around me was going at a much slower pace. Standing in the middle of the magnificent piazza San Marco, I remembered Napoleon referred to it as the ‘drawing room of Europe .’ All senses reach a full satisfactory in this “City of Water .” I breathed in the coffee air and I knew I’d be a different person leaving this city.


n   Tie the knot的意思為結婚

Example: John and Jane tied the knots last March in Bali . 

n   See for themselves的意思為親眼看到

Example: Everyone told her how amazing Venice is. I had to see for myself to believe it.


威尼斯盛事 Venetian Fun

n   威尼斯狂歡節(Venice Carnival)



The Venice Carnival is the most internationally known festival celebrated in Venice , Italy , as well as being one of the oldest. The tradition can be traced back to the beginning of the 14th Century. During those years one of the first laws made by the Serenissima was that masks cannot be used around the city at night. Later on, Venice Carnival attracted foreigners from all over the world. Masks have always been a central feature of the Venetian carnival. They have always been around Venice . People enjoy wearing them to attend the carnival in disguise.


n   威尼斯影展Venice International Film Festival


Since its founding in 1932, the Venice International Film Festival has brought movie stars, industrialists, and the media to Lido , the narrow resort island that separates the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea . It is the oldest film festival in the world. Over the decades, the Venice festival has changed focus several times. It had a strong Hollywood connection in the 1930s, then gradually shifted its attention to European and art films. In recent years, the festival has returned to the mainstream with screenings of commercial movies.



老美很喜歡用Ciao這字,打招呼也Ciao,道別也Ciao,發音接近中文的Ciao這個字來自威尼斯語的「s-ciào vostro」古意是「我是你的奴隸」,可能有供你差遣之意,引申「如果你需要幫忙,可以找我」的招呼或道別語。


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